Review of Leprechaun 2, a movie

The wicked Leprechaun gets to choose his bride on his 1000th birthday by making her sneeze three times, and then she is his. However, the bride he chooses is the daughter of his slave, who messes up the wedding, so the Leprechaun has to wait until his 2000th birthday to claim the woman of his nightmares. The descendant of the lady he intended to marry already has a partner, a courageous young kid by the name of Cody. Cody lives with his con artist uncle Morty, and the two of them operate a tour business together called Darkside Leprerechaun 2 movie review Tours. Leprechaun eventually comes to, murders many others, and abducts the woman who would become his wife. Cody will soon have the opportunity to rescue her, but in order to do it, wrought iron will be required. Morty has a plan, but when he tries to make too much money off of it, things quickly go terribly wrong. Cody enters the house of the leprechaun in order to rescue Bridget, but he has no idea that a leprechaun's home is full of exciting surprises.

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